Customised Reports

VIPR Report Services

A variety of research reports can be provided to assist organisations and inform their management decisions. Each report is customised to focus on your own organisation and organisations with similar characteristics and can highlight entities that are growing and those that are not based on the primary focus of the report, showing trends within the sector and within different sized organisations both nationally and internationally.  

Industry Profile Reports

These reports are typically based on reviewing potential industry partners at a 6 digit FOR level. The reports show companies from the VIPR Connect’s Industry Profiling database for a specific field of research with a further breakdown of the companies based on discipline applicability, financial capability (ability to fund research easily), past history of funding in publicly available RnD as well as a brief outline of the companies and a series of recent fiscal metrics.


Institutional/AOU Level Industry Profile Reports

This is a tailored service where a VIP-Research specialist works with the institution/faculty/school/centre while utilising data from the VIPR Connect Industry Profiling database and the universities own research profile to produce a comprehensive report analysing top business/industry opportunities for the engaged area.


Research Performance Reports

A variety of research performance reports can be provided including:

Alignment Report 

Analyses an organisation’s alignment with their stated internal goals and foci, with its external/international comparators and with industry growth and focus based on discipline area.

Discipline Growth Report

This report shows which discipline areas are growing both nationally and internationally and which ones are shrinking. The report focuses on the areas that the client has expertise in as well as matching to where its more recent focus has been.

University Profile (Scorecard) Report

This is VIP-Research’s most comprehensive report that looks in detail at an organisation in terms of its capacity for growth, its current research activity, its research intensity and whether that is likely to be expanded, its, focus on quality and its alignment.  A scorecard approach allows an institution to translate their targets and objectives from their mission statement and strategic plan into tangible measures. The measures are a balance of outcome measures-how have we performed previously as well as measures which drive future performance. The report should assist the university in terms of strategy and planning by providing an external, objective perspective of its performance over the last 5 years and the likelihood of improvement as well as looking at where those areas could be.

If you would like to see an example of one of the reports that can be generated with the VIPR datasets, or would like to discuss your reporting needs with us to see how we may be able to help, please email us at


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